What to expect following an anaesthetic and dental:
  1. Your pet will be returned to you fully conscious but may feel drowsy and sleep for the rest of the evening
  2. Fur clipping at the site of intravenous injections is routine; expect the fur to re-grow in 6 - 8 weeks
  3. Your pet may cough for a day or two following anaesthesia but if this seems excessive please contact us
  4. Your pet may find eating a little painful initially; however, you may offer a small light meal in the evening. Normal diet may be resumed the following day unless you have been instructed otherwise

Steps to help prevent dental disease: (please speak to your veterinary nurse for further advice)

  1. Daily brushing with a cat toothpaste: helps prevent build up of plaque and tartar and contain antibacterial agents, mild abrasives and enzymes
  2. Food and water additives: These help to stop plaque sticking to the teeth

Where teeth have been extracted there may be blood around the mouth or in the water bowl

Post-operative Follow-Up: please make the following appointments